APAC sincerely welcome and appreciate the endorsement and support from all Asian Pacific and non-Asian Pacific American organizations and community activists for our cause.
The following is a current list of local supporting Asian Pacific American organizations and have representatives working and making history together with the rest of the APAC volunteers. Such endorsement does not constitute the support of any political candidates by these organizations.
- Alliance of Chinese Americans
- Alliance for Quality Education
- America’s Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Banner Bank
- Convoy District Partnership
- Crab Hut Restaurant
- D6 Small Business
- Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of North San Diego
- House of Korea
- Japanese American Bar Association
- Japanese American Citizens League
- Korean American Association
- Korean American Coalition
- Lao Advocacy Organization of San Diego
- Lao American Coalition
- Mira Mesa Senior Center
- New York Life
- Parents for Quality Education
- San Diego Asian American For Equality
- San Diego Executive Lions Club
- San Diego Pan-Pacific Law Enforcement Association (PANPAC)
- San Diego United Lions Club
- Sudberry Properties
- Sycuan Casino
- Vietnamese American Youth Alliance
- Vulcan Materials